
Speaker-Zheng Li

Zheng Li
  李拯,博士,浙江大学杭州国际科创中心科创百人研究员。本硕博毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,先后在浙江大学高分子科学与工程学系与新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院从事博士后研究,2021 年底加入浙江大学杭州国际科创中心未来科学研究院。近年来主要从事石墨烯的液相加工宏观组装结构与功能应用,发现并揭示了氧化石墨烯纤维精确可逆的动态融合-解融合行为和机理,提出了基于自融合的多级组装概念,丰富了石墨烯组装结构的种类和应用,并且针对组装结构具体应用场景需求,建立了多级结构调控的性能优化策略。目前在Science,Nature Communications,Chemical Reviews,ACS Nano等杂志发表论文20余篇,获得授权中国发明专利 5 项和日本专利 1 项。2021年以第二完成人获得全国发明展览会“发明创业奖项目奖”金奖。
Title:Wet-Fusing Assembly of Graphene Oxide Fibers Towards Arbitrary Macroscopic Structures
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The macroscopic assemblies of graphene, in terms of 1D fibers, 2D films/fabrics, 3D aerogels etc., have attracted lots of interest from both academics and industry in the past 20 years. However, the diversity of these assembled structures is limited by the lack of creativity while keeping using graphene sheets as building blocks. Meanwhile, homogeneous architectures acquired from ordinary assembling strategies appear to be insufficient for several advanced applications. In our previous work, we have discovered the reversible fusion and fission of graphene oxide fibers relating to their unique behavior during absorbing and desorbing water. Recently, we developed a novel wet-fusing assembly strategy based on the self-fusion feature of graphene oxide fibers. Using as-prepared 1D fibers as the basic structural elements, we achieved arbitrary graphene assemblies ranging from 2D papers to 3D aerogels through the wet-fusion method. The wet-fusing assembly is spontaneous and easily controllable which also provides strong interconnection between the unit fibers. Unlike the conventional homogeneous graphene assemblies, these fiber-assembled materials have hierarchical structures with programmable fibrous textures, thus are more flexible in characteristic design. Our methodology brings forward a way to expand the family of graphene assemblies and is also an efficient strategy to pursue functional graphene structures.

Wet-fusing assembly of graphene oxide fibers into 2D and 3D structures

[1] Jiaqing Wang, Zheng Li, Xin Ming, Peng Li, Dan Chang, Li Peng, Chao Gao. Carbon 196 (2022) 940–949.
[2] Dan Chang, Jingran Liu, Bo Fang, Zhen Xu, Zheng Li, Yilun Liu, Laurence Brassart, Fan Guo, Weiwei Gao, Chao Gao, Science 372 (2021) 614–617.
[3] Zheng Li, Zhen Xu, Yingjun Liu, Ran Wang, Chao Gao, Nature Communications 7 (2016) 13684.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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